Bits and Pieces

Thursday, October 28, 2004  


Google's on a shopping spree. Found Keyhole on top of the heap. Keyhole - the tool is all about satellite imagery. Helps snap aerial pictures of locations, find distance between two locations, locate special-interest spots like banks or restaurants and what not...and all this on the actual imagery. It's got a fun community of its own too. Found these interesting:

. Michael Dell's house [install the trial version to view attachment in the thread]

. An airplane on its approach

Tried my hand at creating a placemark: ASU's Student Recreation Complex [download - 1KB]

For the curious bunch, a 7-day trial version is available.
[Thanks Ramesh]

posted by pradeep | Permalink | (0)


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Lens view
tempe neighbourhood
yours truly
sweet spots
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Virus Alert!
If a pixel were to see and interpret things as I do, and should it express, with a dose of my thoughts and afterthoughts; the flavor of such a talk should be close to one that you find on this page. And yes, cricket being my favorite sport, dont be surprised to find one too many related terms. Pad up is one such!

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