Bits and Pieces

Monday, May 23, 2005  

Podcasts to be made available starting with iTunes 4.9 [big time recognition]

Check Roadcasting.

posted by pradeep | Permalink | (3)


I agree with what Steve Jobs said - podcasting is the Wayne's world of radio. I don't think this is going to be revolutionary.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:11 PM 

Its a cool thing and while it might disappear in the near future, for now, its the biggie. No wonder Apple is going out to support it. I mean whats podCasting when the original Pod company isnt supporting it in any way it can.

By Blogger The Last Blogger, at 10:22 AM 

It's as much a revolution as blogging is. Call it fad, free speech or whatever, it's a strange success. Instead of being rapped for not including FM Tuner, Apple has spun off a whole different genre (although not directly).

Personally, it's been useful.

By Blogger pradeep, at 11:25 AM 

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